About How Much It Cost To Make This Post
I've finally arrived in the sunny island of Australia!
(Okay, so it's not really sunny, and it's really kind of overcast and cold..)

The flight here was ridiculously bumpy. 8-9:15pm on the plane was non-stop turbulence; I've never seen the pilot turn the seatbelt sign on-and-off so many times before.
Just when you think the turbulence has died down and is reduced to just a shallow vibration with the seatbelt sign going off, you hit a HUGE bump and it comes back on in mere seconds.

For a budget airline, Valuair's service and facilities are surprisingly good. I won't even think about taking SIA or Qantas to Perth again. What made the trip even better? The fact that the 2 seats next to me were unoccupied. (YAY!)
After take-off, the cabin crew came by and handed out those Visitor Arrival cards for us to fill in. In addition, they gave us a form to fill up to stand a chance to win something in a lucky draw. Unfortunately, I didn't win so I don't know what they were giving out. But it looked like a souvenir from The Ascott International. Anyway, soon, they came around to serve drinks. I was yearning for something bubbly so I got a Coke Light for $2 (my most expensive soft drink to date) but of course, all the water, coffee and tea you want is on the house. Then came our in-flight meal which consisted of typical airplane food portions of rice with meat and tofu, tea or coffee, water, and almond jelly. Unfortunately, I was too hungry (courtesy of my hangover) to remember to photograph the food but I have included a photo of the box the food came in and the half-eaten jelly.

All photos hosted by: www.flickr.com
Not too shabby for a budget ticket if you ask me. Then I noticed that they make it a point to serve water every hour to make sure the passengers are hydrated because the cabin air really dries out your skin, throat, lips, etc. That was something I've never experienced on other airlines; I always had to ask for the water. This is the good bit: at about 9 or so, they starting serving a snack! And it was a really good snack: old fashioned meat pie. It was delicious, warm, the pastry was still crispy, and proved to be the last surprise on my Valuair flight. Again, too hungry to remember to take a picture...
When my plane landed, it was raining lightly. I declared some stuff at a surprisingly empty customs, and proceeded to look for Shane. He was supposed to be there alone but somehow managed to pull a few friends at the last minute, I suppose. They were nice and we got home in no time.
I'll update you guys with more soon. I'm still waiting for my future roommate, Michelle, to arrive on Monday, the 11th so hopefully after that, I'll be able to post up some pictures of our new apartment and whatever adventures we have before that.
Also, I'm currently running on 56K dial-up internet so don't email me anything too hefty alright?
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