School Days
I visited the Curtin campus yesterday, mainly to see how long it'd take me to get from Maylands to the Campus. It look just under an hour, including the long walk in all the way to the International Office & Housing Services. Michelle (my roommate) and I will be making this trip early on Tuesday morn so I thought it'd be best that I do a trial run first.
The campus was obviously very empty but it's huge, and I was lucky enough to ask a Chinese girl for directions. Have a look at some parts of the campus I photographed:
The Bookmark Cafe:

The T.L. Robertson Library (which is next to the cafe):

My lunch of a $3 hotdog that was too much to finish and a $2.20 bottle of Diet Coke. Can you say expensive?:

The rest of the campus:

And the Curtin Bus Station:

After visiting Curtin, I popped down to Galleria in Morley, a large shopping centre to meet one of my friends from work in Singapore. Went home after all the shops closed at 5p.m. (still anoys me to shits.)

Notice the grocery bag next to me from Coles? Take a look at what's on it:

Sort of reminds me of Dad...
This time, I'll end this post by leaving you with the duty-free cigarettes I bought Shane. I think the packaging is pretty smart, albeit obvious.

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giving me ideas for the cafe eh? and what's on the wall of that builing that black n white bits? mudder went "ooooooooooohhhhohohhhhhh" when she saw the coles bag. I want the marbolo box!
Friday, July 08, 2005 3:47:00 am
Which black and white bits? I'm assuming you're talking about the campus building with the orangey-red tiles roof? The black bits are basically just holes cut into the concrete of the wall; a simply yet nice effect.
Yeah of course giving you ideas for the cafe! I'll snap the other cafes in the school once I find them...
And I plan to get the Bart & Lisa Coles bags too. Mom can have *a few* of them when I come back. Marlboro box? U can ask Uncle Bob for it...
Saturday, July 09, 2005 2:19:00 pm
ohhh if there's the idian guy on the bag i want. apoo!
Monday, July 11, 2005 3:02:00 am
Okay... and it's Apu.
But I doubt they have it, it's just the Simpsons and I think Santa's Little Helper.
Monday, July 11, 2005 11:50:00 am
omg!! arylene..u took the hideous curtin??lol..oh how u find it?gd?
Monday, July 11, 2005 12:05:00 pm
ooo dat was me..lil devil juwita
Monday, July 11, 2005 12:06:00 pm
Haha, it's not that hideous! A bit old but hey, I still believe LASALLE-SIA was worse...
It's alright, not too bad. You better gimme a guided tour alright?
Monday, July 11, 2005 12:26:00 pm
the other peeps on simpson's are not worth makin fun of. Apu's the ultimate when it comes to grocery shopping - 7-11... conveniences store... i think u get the connection. we're part indian afterall.
Monday, July 11, 2005 5:52:00 pm
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