Until the Real Thing Comes Along
My sister arrived in Perth yesterday and we managed to surprise my uncle Shane and his Mum with her presence. Michelle cooked us a Chinese spread and we had a good time together. Unfortunately, my sister just brought my new camera over from Singapore, a Canon S2 IS, and because I was familiarising myself with it, the few pictures I took of last night's dinner turned out real shit; my apologies.
Anyway, today we employed the help of my dear friend Russell and my sister to help Michelle and I move our office at Curtin. Okay, so Michelle wasn't really helping us move the furniture, but we all know she tried:

And here she is (very happily) torturing one of our willing volunteers:

After moving the office, we decided to drive to Garden City for a spot of shopping. Here's a rare shot of Ana totally unaware of me capturing her:

And this is evidence of me being an idiot by operating an electronic device at the petrol station. I seriously forgot. Sure as hell got a scolding for that one:

Nothing much happened for the rest of the day, other than the three of us ooh-ing and aah-ing for the longest time over the cute puppies at the pet store:

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Russell looks like one of the guides in Caversham.. hehehehe :p
Wednesday, December 28, 2005 3:17:00 am
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