3 x 5
Tim wanted to create a music video for the people back home to send along with the extensive documentation of his trip already captured on his video camera.
So off we went into the City, King's Park and Cottesloe Beach to create shots for his music video, played out to John Mayer's 3x5.
Waiting for the bus to King's Park. By the way, that's his permanent expression now because the wind changed and he got stuck like that:

Our very empty bus. Notice that there are only old people are on board with us:

Tim being gross as usual:

The fluffy clouds on that day:

Tim asking a family how the sun would set at King's Park. He wouldn't believe me that the sun wasn't gonna set in the direction he had hoped it would:

The Perth City skyline in daytime. You should have already seen it at night here. If not, go take a peek and see the difference:

The "Anzac Bluff" (the word "bluff" here refers to a steep hill).

It reads: This bluff below the State War Memorial is dedicated to the men of Anzac who fought and died in the Gallipoli Campaign of 1915. It resembles Ari Burnu where Anzacs stormed the beaches, fought upward and shared grievous losses with a valiant foe.
Here is Tim getting progressively frustrated with his laptop because it refused to play the John Mayer song for him to sing along to:

After a lot of laughs at the Park, we waited for the bus to head to Cottesloe Beach. Tim likes to grab every opportunity to play his guitar, so thank god he's got talent and can truly sing:

Another bad picture of us. For the record, we don't have a nice picture of the two of us. I hope it'll happen one day while we're travelling or we'll have to forever live with ugly pictures of our times together:

Since it was gonna be a long trip, he soon became my macro photography subject and had to tolerate the annoyance that is a camera lens pointing right into your eye.

Finally, we reach Cottesloe Beach. Note the cute, eager dog:

Our purpose of travelling to Cottesloe was to film the sunset. It took longer that expected to wait for the sun to dip to the right position so I took the time to snap a multitude of shots of the sunset,

Of Tim being an idiot,

And risked drowning my camera (again) to snap the rising tide:

Photos hosted by: www.flickr.com
The music video looks great and I wish I could stream it for you guys here. I might do it when I get the chance to compress it...
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