What a Wonderful World
Hey all! Yup, I've got time on my hands.
So I decided to announce that I now have a yummy pair of gloves and therefore, I can post more!
Okay, so that wasn't really the point of my post, but do find it particularly amusing to type with woolley gloves on...
Yesterday, I went to the city again simply because I didn't wanna stay home.
I needed to go the the chemist/ pharmacy anyway cos I was in dire need of cough drops, but me being me, I had to go to the one in the city because I'm a glamour puss and suburb chemists aren't good enough for me (this coming from someone who went to the $2 oppt shops to look for gloves).
Anyhoo, when I got off the bus and walked through the train stations, I noticed alot of police around. Immediately, I assumed that this was all in view of the recent London Tube bombings (and my suspicions were later confirmed on the news). But as I crossed the road over towards Forrest Place, I noticed about 5 or more police riot vehicles parked, cordoning off the open area just outside the entrance to Carillon City. Next thing I knew, I saw picket signs that read "Queers Have Rights", "Live, Love, Learn Without Fear" and "Queers Need Union Support". I managed to snap only 2 miserable pictures before my camera battery went flat but you should be able to see the crowds they were attracting.

Soon after, they starting chanting "Queers Have Rights" and marched down the streets to picket for the need to educate the younger generations about gay & lesbian communities.

All photos hosted by: www.flickr.com
A few people were cheering them on, but unsurprisingly, the young teenagers who were watching the demonstration were jeering and shouting their sad, smart arse comments.
All in all, it was nice to see what "freedom of speech" really looks like.
Unlike the Speaker's Corner crap that the Singapore government introduced and practically died in the arse. And that case where some student was in danger of being sued because he made some defamatory remarks about A*Star on his blog. Who knows? You might even see this post on the Channel 5 news and I'll be given 24 hours notice to take this down and submit and official apology. Somebody burn that Speaker's Corner podium for me, please.
i think the podium is a stone chair. sad. now only go there hear birds chirp. Mudder wants to read ur blog
Monday, July 11, 2005 3:04:00 am
A stone chair? Bloody hell. Then I hope lotsa pigeons are using it for target practice! Only so that in years to come, the government's attempt to look like they give a shit about the masses will be commemorated with a huge, crusty chunk of bird crap.
Oh and let Mum read the blog. No harm done...
Monday, July 11, 2005 11:56:00 am
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