I'll Share My World With You
This week was Multicultural Week and it culminated in tonight's Pasar Malam for Asia Day.
Monday was Oceania Day, Tuesday was Europe Day, Wednesday was Africa Day, and Thursday was America Day.
America Day's "Mad Cow" event introduced the most hilarious-looking mechanical bull to the Tavern. I honestly couldn't recover from the incessant fits of laughter I got whenever I caught a glimpse of its face:

Of course, the beered-up boys at the Tav quickly volunteered to each have a go at it:

And we managed to convince birthday girl Kim to take a ride as well:

She's really working it here!

And I think she was one of the few who managed to hang on for quite a bit:

But in general, they all end up looking something like this:

Tonight's Pasar Malam or "Night Market":

Of course, events like these couldn't happen without volunteers like us who blow up balloons for them and monkey around with the remainder of the helium:

From left to right; Guild President Patrick Gorman, Guest-of-honour Mayor of Victoria Park and his wife, and International Student Committee General Secretary Eric Pang:

The closing ceremony started off with this dude playing his didgeridoos as a sign of respect for the indigenous Australian land that Curtin is built on:

Next came the Lion Dancers:

Then later in the night, the bands came on. This one was pretty good:

We saw friends from Singapore:

Girls from Africa:

And cute eye-candy running around the event:

A Pasar Malam just wouldn't be complete without old skool Asian grub like Teh Tarik ("Pulled" Tea):

Fried chinese noodles:

and Ayam Percik ("Blistered" chicken):

All this couldn't have happened without the International Student Committee, of course:

Photos Michelle Mok
Photos hosted by: www.flickr.com
Thanks guys, you did a great job;
the ISC and Curtin are proud of you!
go uncle go! fry fry fry!!!
teh tarik aka pulled tea aka half cup bubble, half cup tea... bahahahaha
eh not bad.. look damn happening.
but that dude blowing away looked a bit mad. Hhahahahaah
today's word verification: telywkux
aboriginal for cellphone
Monday, October 10, 2005 5:14:00 am
buay tahan the bull's eyes! hahahaha
how can one stay up there and not laugh till him/herself drops off before the damn thing starts moving?
must be the alcohol
WV= qgajmgu - code for JAMU
u know who this is lah, just lazy to log in
Monday, October 10, 2005 5:17:00 am
hey... isn't the eye candy riding the bull in pic #2?
Monday, October 10, 2005 12:18:00 pm
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