Come On Over
We decided to go for lunch today, and since we had our friend Eric's car, we could all fit in and take a short drive down to the city to find our grub. As usual, when Michelle is driving, Daryl has to nag at her like the worst backseat driver ever, only that he usually sits in the front. I don't know why he does that. If it's his car, I understand. But dude, give it up already! She's an excellent driver!

Daryl wanted Korean but the place ran out of kimchi, so after that, there's no point really so we opted for pancakes at Carillon City:

Okay so that wasn't the best visual but hey, we all brought our cameras and went a little crazy with them:

This was Daryl's lunch. I can't remember what it was called and what it contained but he sure as hell looked like he enjoyed it:

Michelle's caesar salad with chicken:

Me about to dig into my Crepe Escape; gooey cheese and ham wrapped in a crepe and topped with a grilled pineapple and salsa. Scrumptious:

Daryl then decided to make us three girls a bit of dinner later, so off he went while we did our own thing. Here he is still in preparations when we arrived:

This is his visitor's doodle spot. Unfortunately, by the time Michelle and I got to know Daryl when we arrived, there wasn't much space left on that board so we pretty much just added bits and pieces here and there:

Michelle getting bored and hungry. She decided to occupy herself by pretending she was diving while staring at Daryl's goldfish:

Daryl's famous Fatty the Goldfish. It can't keep it's balance but it likes to intentionally spin upside-down alot of the time:

The spinach, chilli and prawn pasta Daryl made us. We were good dinner guests and brought a bottle of chardonnay along:

The civilised-looking group before we massacred that dinner:

Selected photos Michelle Mok
Selected photos Christiana Westlake
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