Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days Of Summer
Last night, after Daryl got off work, he offered to take us to Llama Bar in Subiaco. Ana and I wouldn't normally go to these types of dance clubs, but there's no harm in doing so so we went along. Since I wasn't exactly expecting to do any hardcore dancing or getting sweaty, I decided to be cheesy and dressed in a shirt dress, carried my basket bag and wore my crochet heels. Totally inappropriate but hell, it made me smile:

So after a night out, Ana went back to her usual habits and woke up past noon. Since it is a Saturday, I dragged her arse to Freo for a quick lunch and so she could look around for a bit before her friend Shirley arrives in the next few days.
Ana waiting for the bus:

This is for Dad:

We're finally at Freo! Looks like they're done with that restoration work that was going on when Michelle and I first came here:

This is a statue that I've always noticed but never took the time to go over to read who it's supposed to be. Even worse, I thought it was a statue of a guy holding up a head with entrails dangling but it turns out to be a statue of a sculptor at work. Oops:

Ana deciding on lunch at La Porchetta:

Ana with a half-dozen oysters:

Some airplane formation we spotted on the way home:

Selected photos Michelle Mok
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