Freakin' Funky Fuzzballs
Announcement: This blog will see notably less pictures because my camera recently got fucked. It was in my bag with a bottle of water when the cap from the bottle broke and literally soaked my camera to the bone. It was actually dripping when I took it out. Somebody shoot me. Thankfully, Michelle (my housemate) has a good Panasonic Lumix and she takes as many pictures as I do, and is willing to let me use it as well. Flickr's gonna be losing one hell of an uploader. Anyhow, back to the story:
Was a lovely Friday morning when Michelle and I popped over to Fremantle to meet Sheeda, who was in town for the weekend, for breakfast at Gino's. *YUM* Had scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon, tomatoes and toast that I couldn't finish.
Sheeda & I:

Michelle (with vegetables courtesy of Sheeda's fork):

Next, we ventured to Target because Sheeda wanted to get underwear and Michelle wanted to get tights. Of course, while waiting, I took the opportunity to muck around:

Check out those pink cowboy boots from Target. Only $27.89. Anybody?
A hat and glove set Sheeda found for me:

And soon, Michelle joined me in the crazy boot jamboree:

After Target, Mark & the kids came to pick Sheeda up and the two of us went off to Subiaco to have a look at the weekend markets. We decided to leave the Freo weekend markets for another time. We people-watched on the train:

And met a few other interesting characters:

Was a fun day, and we went home pretty early, but of course we never failed to make every opportunity a Kodak moment:

Photos Michelle Mok
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For those who have asked, my housemate Michelle is studying in the same university as I am but she's doing a Degree in Mass Communications, majoring in PR. With about 3 more semesters to go, she will be my housemate for that period at least. She used to work as a hairdresser in her own salon in Malaysia and she specialises in colouring. Therefore, Shane has asked her to cut his hair so I will post pictures of that process soon! I told her to shave him bald.
shave him bald and colour his head! put a flower on it!
Monday, July 18, 2005 2:28:00 pm
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