Let's Just Keep On Dancing
So as I mentioned in the previous post, Michelle was going to cut Shane's hair, and he actually trusted her enough to let her. Either that or he's one big fat sucker for pretty Asian girls. Whatever the case, here's the proof:

Unfortunately, Michelle became shy, and of course Shane hates it when I take pictures, so that was all I got. Shane got a pretty good haircut and my hairdresser housemate even managed to convince him to shorten his horrid fringe! Now that's how you earn brownie points people!
Also today was the Undergradute Orientation at Curtin and conveniently, Michelle and I are both in the Humanties Department and therefore we could attend the briefing together.

We met some people, most of whom were from Malaysia and Singapore. Nobody really interesting and I'm keeping clear of the nerds.
The briefing ended earlier than expected and we were informed of our individual enrolment times for next week. How boring. Funnily, I bumped into the model that I worked with on my first photoshoot ever at the Student Services office. She sort of remembered the shoot and remembers that Wee Khim shot the photos:

After that, we signed up for the tours that we decided to go on including a Perth/Fremantle/Cottesloe "twilight tour" and a Margaret River tour. Can't wait.
And since it was still early when we figured we had nothing more to do, we decided to make the trip from Curtin to our new South Perth apartment. It was a lovely day anyway.

We basically had to take the number 34 bus and walked 500 metres down to the apartment. Pretty darn convenient, in my opinion.

Of course, before we walked down to the apartment, we stopped by The Como, a bar & restaurant, to have lunch. It was pretty quiet when we first entered but the place soon filled up pretty quickly. We mucked around a little with our cameras while waiting for the food to arrive while the two very amused waitresses and a barman watched on:

Let's Bollywood, baby:

Try and try again:


Our Lunch:

Michelle's Cabonara Pasta:

And my Chicken Livers & Mash:

Next, we walked down to our apartment and although we couldn't enter because we only sign the papers this weekend, we did notice that the sign offering the apartment up for sale was still there:

Our landlords have literally just gotten the keys to the apartment and are buying and moving in the furniture as you read this.
Here are close-ups of the pictures on the sign and some others we took so that you guys have an idea of what it potentially looks like. Note that the furniture in the pictures are not the ones we will be getting. The ones the landlords are putting in are, in fact, much better. I hope to be able to post pictures of them over the weekend or later. In the meantime, here's the preview:

And we found a fellow Curtin student in the apartments:

I even got a deal at Myer's when I bought my moisturiser and I got the cleanser totally free! I'm giving myself a pat on the back for that one.

I'm off to watch The Simpsons!

Selected photos Michelle Mok
All photos hosted by: www.flickr.com
hellloooo? do u think this line is cooool??
"In fact, the ones the landlords are putting in are, in fact, much better."
In fact, i think there's too many in facts in there? Mwuahahahaha must be bonkers after the day out.
and u repeated the "it was a nice day thing too!!!
need sreep?
michelle gets brownie and cake with fudge and ice cream on top points for first cutting, and getting rid of the stooopid fringe. and it's obvious its the swayed by a pretty asian girlie thing. Hahahahaha!!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005 10:06:00 pm
Okay okay, so I made a few errors. Talk about anal!
I've made the corrections so Your Highness won't have to frustrate oneself reading my blog.
*Rolls eyes*
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 1:43:00 pm
hello! eyerolls are my trademark along with the granny-look-eyeroll and the 1001 hankies!
anyhoo how u get that simpson pic? real one or u make? I bet u make...
got the apu bag yet?
Sunday, July 31, 2005 2:13:00 am
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Sunday, July 31, 2005 2:13:00 am
ooohhh who's post u delete? was it some a-holes?? whowhowhowhowhowho?
Wednesday, August 03, 2005 11:51:00 pm
You are a weird one. You delete your own comment and then you ask me whose post I deleted? Do you have a split-personality I don't know about yet? *Gasps in disbelief*
Thursday, August 04, 2005 8:58:00 pm
huh? really ah? must be sreepy. yeah i 'm a schitzo (howeva u spell dat) ohhhohhh is it double post? must be... dat time internet slow. me impatient/ Mwuahahahahaaha
Saturday, August 06, 2005 11:45:00 pm
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