Sweet Little Rock 'n' Roller
Tim came over last night to hang out, with a Playstation II and a bunch of DVDs from Bali in tow. And he cooked us dinner out of the goodness of his heart. Well maybe not. It was mainly cos I asked him to but the fact is that he obliged!
Here's the pasta dinner he made:

And of course, Michelle had to catch us when we're stuffing our faces:

Photos Michelle Mok
Photos hosted by: www.flickr.com
Verdict: the food was yum, the movies were good and it was an enjoyable night.
waaaah sooo loooomaantik
check out me latest post :D
todays's word verification: fzeazl
fo fzeazl my nzeazl :p
Saturday, September 24, 2005 2:38:00 pm
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