Messy crop, tanned skin, eyeliner, tongue stud, leather stilettos. How else can you work it for everyone back home?

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Caught By The River

Ana and Shirley went off on tour to the Swan Valley this morning and so Michelle and I decided to spend a little time together. Daryl was nice enough to lend us his car again because we wanted to catch the carollers at Mill Point Road.

Seeing that we were early, we decided to go down to the river and have a little picnic with the Hungry Jacks we bought earlier in the city:
Michelle Driving Prelude

This time, both Michelle and I wished we were in that boat:
People in Boat on River

Families having their own picnics in the park:
Families by River

Guy Flying Kite

The duck pond:
Duck Pond

Duck Pond Sign

Duck at Pond

A view of the city with the beautiful black swans Western Australia is known for:
Blacks Swans on River

Heron by the river:
Two Heron


We soon drove down to Mill Point Road to look for the carollers but to no avail. It was truly sad, but we still got to grab a few beautiful shots of the city yet again:
Perth City Skyline from Mill Point Road
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After that, we ended up at the bar at Windsor Hotel because the band was playing some pretty good music. Too bad the crowd was full of old fogies and gay people. Nonetheless, we had a good time and that's all that really matters!


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