Take a Picture
We had a dinner party tonight with friends from Uni. Most of you will recognise them by now as they have all appeared in my blog before. This was a photo-sharing dinner party; the guests come and eat, and later share their photos from their trips during the last tuition-free week.
Catarina and Therese shared photos from their trip up north to Ex Mouth and Monkey Mia, Tim & Gayle showed their pictures from Bali, and Michelle showed her pictures from Melbourne. Michelle was constantly lauded that night for her excellent Asian fare and I think you will be able to tell from the next picture exactly how happy she was!
From left to right:
Therese, Catarina, Me, Michelle, Tim & Gayle.

Tim and I apparently in an interesting conversation; with me practically rolling my eyes at his story of how he crashed someone's birthday party the night before, got drunk, smashed a glass door in the birthday girl's house, and escaped with a few battle scars to boot:

Our late party guest, Daryl, who couldn't make the party because of work but came anyway to help clean up the leftovers:

Photos Michelle Mok
Photos hosted by: www.flickr.com
We plan to have more parties like this one, and hopefully we get to to it at their dorms the next time just to see what it's like. I'm all for it, as long as I don't have to clean up again the morning after! But I thought it was a pretty good deal this time: Michelle cooks, I clean the house and the guests brought 6 bottles of booze. Woohoo!
wat happening to ur hair ah?
Sunday, September 25, 2005 9:28:00 pm
hey rawkstar :) thanks for the birthday comments :D
see you at uni soon, about to read your blog for the first time (sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry, been busy - you know how it is)
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 9:44:00 am
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